Connecting within the SOC class is also taken to another level. In the SOC class we not only connect with each other and the school, but with the overall community as well. In order for a group to function the individuals in it have to effectively communicate so there are no misunderstandings. I have taken pride in being an effective communicator whether it is in my organization or the surrounding community. Whether it was communicating practice time with other members of our team, or game times on social media and throughout the community. I have also connected with other SOC representatives to support growth in their organizations as well mainly through feedback on paper ceiling presentations, and giving them advice when they ask. I could still use some help from my small group to help me get organized with connecting with my community partner. Overall, I believe I have helped the SOC function by effectively connecting with other members to promote progress.
In the SOC class we have CREATed from the get go. This whole year has been new to the school with the changes we have made to the SOC. In the 3rd quarter I have created a temporary logo for my SO, applied and helped find a paper ceilings sticker, and supported other SOC members with feedback with collaboration and feedback during paper ceiling presentations. I will continue to put in the effort and energy to improving my SO and the SOC as a whole. For next quarter I want to continue to be active within the SOC, but there are some things I can improve on. I want to create a mission and vision statement with collaboration from coaches and players, I want to create a relationship with a community partner, and I want to lead an initiative by the SOC. To accomplish my goals I will continue to active and supportive, but I will reach out more and move out of my comfort zone even more. In conclusion, I am proud of all the work I have accomplished and how active I was this quarter. Next quarter I will make moves to accomplish the goals I have set, and end on a positive note for next year!